Conceptual foundations for social media in the restaurant business in the aftermath of the pandemic



Mots-clés :

advertising, communications, conceptual foundations, restaurant business, social media marketing.


The article examines the key problems, changes and restrictions in the development of the restaurant business during the coronavirus pandemic. The analysis of the results of a study by European scientists on the use of social networks in the restaurant business is carried out. The essence of social media marketing (SMM) as an effective tool for overcoming the temporary crisis of the restaurant business is characterized. The target market was segmented and the results analyzed. The analysis shows the target market breakdown of restaurant visitors by marital status and by age groups. The main reasons why restaurateurs do not plan to use social networks or have not yet initiated the use of social networks are considered. The study identified the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the restaurant business and presented ways to overcome them. The importance of marketing use in social networks by restaurateurs is justified. Based on the results of the study, the main conclusions are presented on the feasibility of introducing certain measures in the restaurant business to stabilize the financial situation, overcome the crisis and recoup the maximum production costs.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Alexey Alexeyevich Kuzubov, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Aleskandr Nikolaevich Maksimenko, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Igor Anatolievich Eremenko, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Margarita Nikolaevna Bezuglova, Don state Technical University, Russia.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Economics, Don state Technical University, Russia.


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Comment citer

Kuzubov, A. A., Maksimenko, A. N., Eremenko, I. A., & Bezuglova, M. N. (2021). Conceptual foundations for social media in the restaurant business in the aftermath of the pandemic. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 178–187.


