Physiological and psychophysiological indicators in the diagnosis of occupational maladaptation of doctors from oncology hospital



Mots-clés :

adults, cancer, oncologists, professional adaptation, psycho-oncology, rehabilitation, symptoms.


Objectives: To study the development of professional deformity in oncological hospital doctors under the influence of professional activity factors. To consider the issues of professional adaptation of medical workers from the perspective of their development of psychoemotional burnout in combination with the problem of physiological and psychophysiological aspects of professional maladaptation. Methods: The analysis of the features of maladaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system of oncological hospital doctors that occur in the course of their professional activities is based on the analysis of changes in three groups of indicators of adaptive response of the cardiovascular system of oncologists, characteristics of blood pressure, heart activity indicators, and the state of peripheral vascular tone. Calculations of the values of psychophysiological indices that integrally characterize the functional state of their body are made. All of the doctors participating in the survey gave informed consent on the acquisition and processing of data. Results: It was found that a significant number (75%) of the tested oncologists have reduced adaptive capabilities of the circulatory system. A significant number of individuals with low stroke (40%) and minute blood volume (30%) were identified. In most cases (up to 68.4%) the examined specialists of the oncological hospital are in a state of impaired professional adaptation according to psychophysiological criteria. Conclusions: It is proposed to use the physiological and psychophysiological indicators used in the study as psychophysiological correlates of the formation and development of professional maladaptation in doctors of different specialties, as well as to control the dynamics of their condition during medical and social rehabilitation of medical institutions.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Konstantin Zasyadko, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Prof., DSc, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Sergey Shinkarev, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Prof., DSc, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Oleg Dankovtsev, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 

Docent, PhD, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 

Lilia Tafintseva, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 

Docent, PhD, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia. 

Svetlana Maskalyanova, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.

Docent, PhD, Lipetsk of State Pedagogical University, Russia.


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Comment citer

Zasyadko, K., Shinkarev, S., Dankovtsev, O., Tafintseva, L., & Maskalyanova, S. (2021). Physiological and psychophysiological indicators in the diagnosis of occupational maladaptation of doctors from oncology hospital. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 59–69.


