Developing the communicative-pragmatic competence in the training of the Russian linguistics bachelor students



Mots-clés :

foreign languages teaching organization, model, communicative-pragmatic competence, discourse, socio-cultural and intentional markers.


The development of the oral and written skills in the practice of teaching foreign languages in the Russian linguistic higher institution pays the major attention to the construction of monologic and dialogical statements without focusing on the pragmatic factors of communication. When mastering language expressions, students do not always correlate them with the specific communicative tasks in a certain situation of foreign language communication, which is due to the ignorance of the pragmatic component. Meanwhile, the correct correlation and use of linguistic units in the process of foreign language communication (adequate to a given situation and intentions) is extremely important at the first or second (freshman and sophomore) years of higher education, when students primarily master the skills of the correct expression means. However, in teaching foreign languages (e.g., German and English), there is a disregard for such pragmatic factors as: setting and defining intentions, social roles and focusing on the interpersonal relations of communicants, targeted communication; isolation of the communicative competence from the pragmatic issues; insufficient study of the discourse content and structure as the means of teaching foreign languages in conjunction with pragmatic characteristics. The authors propose their own methodology for the development of the communicative-pragmatic competence under the conditions of training the prospective bachelors of linguistics. Research methods include systematic approach, provisions of the interdisciplinary approach, competence-based approach, comparative method, modeling method. The communicative-pragmatic model of teaching foreign languages presented in this article has confirmed its effectiveness for the development of oral and written speech practice among bachelor students of the linguistic university. The introduction of the developed methodology will increase the level of the language proficiency and the degree of formation of the students` communicative-pragmatic competence by motivating and expanding their speech capabilities.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

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Foreign Languages Department, Chair of German Philology N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia.

I.S. Pinkovetskaia, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia.

Economic analysis and state management Department, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia.


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Comment citer

Lebedev, A., Bespalova, S., & Pinkovetskaia, I. (2021). Developing the communicative-pragmatic competence in the training of the Russian linguistics bachelor students. Amazonia Investiga, 10(37), 135–145.


