The Impact of The Industry Digitization on The Economic Development of The Country


  • Julia Vladimirovna Gnezdova Smolensk State University, Russia
  • Natalya Sergeevna Khoroshavina University of Technology, Gagarin St., Russia
  • Natalia Evgenievna Lebedeva Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia
  • Igor Viktorovich Balynin Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia
  • Lola Dodohonovna Sanginova Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Mots-clés :

Digitalization, digital space, industry, innovation, technologies.


The article shows how the digitalization of industry influences the development of the economy and is able to change the structure of the world economic system, which includes the potential of buyers, the structure of industry sectors, and the significance of the state. The beneficial effects of the industry digitalization can be noted in all layers of society, from individual buyers to the state in general. The purpose of the work is to analyze the level of digitalization of industrial enterprises and the development of measures to improve this process, as well as to assess the impact of digitalization on the economic security of the state. When working on the topic, various general research methods were employed including analysis of legal documentation, classification, and generalization. The peculiarity of the industry digitalization is that the main resource is the knowledge, information, and technical and technological part of the digital base.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Julia Vladimirovna Gnezdova, Smolensk State University, Russia

Smolensk State University, Russia

Natalya Sergeevna Khoroshavina, University of Technology, Gagarin St., Russia

University of Technology, Gagarin St., Russia

Natalia Evgenievna Lebedeva, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Igor Viktorovich Balynin, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Lola Dodohonovna Sanginova, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia

Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Leningradsky Prospect, Russia


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World Economic Forum. Retrieved 20.05.2019 from




Comment citer

Gnezdova, J. V., Khoroshavina, N. S., Lebedeva, N. E., Balynin, I. V., & Sanginova, L. D. (2019). The Impact of The Industry Digitization on The Economic Development of The Country. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 633–643. Consulté à l’adresse


