Influence potassium humate and vostok EM-1 drugs on yield and quality of Soybean Variety Ivan Karamanov in the conditions of the Primorskii Krai



Mots-clés :

soya, potassium humate, effective microorganisms, yield, structural indicators.


The article presents the research results of the influence potassium humate and effective microorganisms on soybean variety Ivan Karamanov plants on survival, preservation, yield, crop structure and seed quality. The results were obtained as follows. The preservation ability of soybean plants in the control variant was 90%, it increased by 2% when treated with potassium humate and it increased by 3% when treated with Vostok EM-1. The use of potassium humate and effective microorganisms increases the soya leaf surface area. Treatment of soybean plants with growth regulators during the growing season beneficially affects the growth and development of the root system. The length of the main root and the mass of the root system increases when plants are treated with potassium humate. The number of nodules increases almost fourfold from 7.2 in the control variant and it increases to 27.9 in the variant with potassium humate. The attachment height of the lower bean increases by 2.2 cm when treating plants with potassium humate which reduces losses during harvesting. The productivity of a single plant increases from 4.73 g to 5.54 g when treated with potassium humate and to 5.16 g when treated with effective microorganisms. The yield of soya increases by 0.44 t / ha when treated with potassium humate compared to the control variant which corresponds to 19.7%, and when treated with effective microorganisms it increases by 12.6%. Treatment of plants with potassium humate and effective microorganisms contributes to the production of higher quality seeds. Laboratory seed germination without treatment was 88.0%, it was 96.5% when treated with potassium humate and it was 91.0 % when treated with effective microorganisms.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olga Vladimirovna Pavlova, Department of agricultural technologies.

Candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of agricultural technologies.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna Mitropolova, Department of agricultural technologies.

Candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of agricultural technologies.

Tatyana Vladimirovna Naumova, land management Department.

Candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of land management Department.

Anastasia Alexandrovna Avramenko, Institute of land management and agricultural technologies, Department of agricultural technologies, Russia.

Postgraduate student of the Department of land management Primorsky state agricultural Academy Institute of land management and agricultural technologies, Department of agricultural technologies, Russia.


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Comment citer

Pavlova, O. V., Mitropolova, L. V., Naumova, T. V., & Avramenko, A. A. (2020). Influence potassium humate and vostok EM-1 drugs on yield and quality of Soybean Variety Ivan Karamanov in the conditions of the Primorskii Krai. Amazonia Investiga, 9(31), 116–126.


