The Development of Socio-Economic Relations at the Municipal Level in Modern Russia: Problems and Solution Approaches


  • Olga Urzha Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Mots-clés :

Municipal entity, socio-economic relations, the socio-engineering methodology of managerial decision-making, public-private partnership, human resources management, territorial public self-administration


Socio-economic well-being of the country largely determines the socio-economic well-being of municipal entities in Russia. The present article deals with new directions in the activity of local power structures, which can ensure the essential growth of a social and economic condition of municipal entities. These directions include developing an effective investment policy, expanding opportunities for public-private partnership, using the strategy of borrowing management practices from commercial structures, active developing intermunicipal cooperation, improving the effectiveness of management based on the implementation in municipal practice of the "City Manager" model, and searching on this basis for the optimal splitting of functions of management structures at the local level. In addition, the article proposes to intensify the use of the socio-engineering methodology of managerial decision-making that provides scientific grounds for management activities. Much attention is paid to the improvement of personnel policy through the implementation of forms such as rotation of creative managers from the business in the management structure. This practice can give a significant impetus to the development of innovative management technologies in local power structures, though at the same time it carries a certain risk of destructive consequences, such as the use of administrative resources for the benefit of individual private organizations and their executives that may lead to the emergence of a conflict of interest, corruption, and protectionism. The article pays also attention to the increase of the population’s activity in the decision-making with respect to the issues of local importance, which is one of the most effective levers in the self-government practice. Each of the offered directions to improve the social and economic relations at the municipal level is considered in the article through a prism of relevant technologies suitable to implement this activity, as well as possible problems and conflicts along with ways of their solution.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Olga Urzha, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia


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Comment citer

Urzha, O. (2019). The Development of Socio-Economic Relations at the Municipal Level in Modern Russia: Problems and Solution Approaches. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 300–309. Consulté à l’adresse


