Phonosemantic interpretation of lexical units in the context of Russian and Slovak linguocultures



Mots-clés :

linguocultural code, semantic interpretation, connotation, linguistic consciousness, phonetic motivation, mental field, subject of reflection.


Phonosemantics is one of the youngest disciplines in the modern linguistics but takes an important part in the intercultural communication. The purpose of the article is to carry out the comparative analysis of lexical units of the Russian and Slovak language systems from the perspective of phonosemantics and philological hermeneutics. There has been made an attempt to study the correlation between the phonetic and semantic motivations of lexemes and paroemias (proverbs and sayings) in the system of the Russian and Slovak languages ??on the basis of the phonosemantic analysis and hermeneutic method. The mechanism for determining the language ?? connotation on the knowledge based system makes it possible to reveal the linguocultural peculiarities of phraseological units, taking into account national-cultural, territorial, ethnolinguistic factors provided the individual’s cognitive abilities are activated. The problem of decoding of semantics in the situation of cross-cultural cooperation is not researched only from the view of the traditional linguistics, but also by means of cognitive activities: perception, presentation, reflection, interpretation. The adequate interpretation of the linguo-cultural phenomena and lexical units is the reflection in the internal communication  aimed at the decoding of cultural and language code. In the external communication the reflection of the individual is expressed in the  interpretation. The phonosemantic analysis, based on the description of natural-cultural lexical blocks from the view of philological hermeneutics, was revealed at first differences and similarities in Russian and Slovak languages; secondly, it were determined the so-called linguocultural codes. The analysis of lexical units in the Russian and Slovak languages has revealed common and distinctive peculiarities of the languages regarding their phonology and semantics. Perception and interpretation of linguistic units in foreign culture helps to achieve the most important communicative and pragmatic purpose – the establishment of intercultural and interpersonal parity and mutual understanding in the process of communicative interaction.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Tatiana Morozkina, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation.

PhD., Associate Professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation.

Jarmila Rusiňáková, University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia.

PhD (Philosophiae doctor), University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Larisa Ivanova, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation.

Investigador senior, Associate Professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation.


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Comment citer

Morozkina, T., Rusiňáková, J., & Ivanova, L. (2020). Phonosemantic interpretation of lexical units in the context of Russian and Slovak linguocultures. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 496–506.


