The impact of success factors on the strategic management in an educational complex


  • Zhaniyat B. Baltabayeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan.
  • Fatima B. Sautieva Ingush state University, Magas, Ingushetia.
  • Anna G. Skorobogatova Institute of Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services.
  • Olga V. Mamatelashvili Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russian Federation.


Mots-clés :

strategic management, strategic planning, educational complex, effective transformation management, organizational success factors.


The most important topics that have attracted attention in recent decades have been changes and transformations in education. The purpose of this study is an analytical analysis of the factors of strategic management in the field of education in the Customs Union countries, using the example of Russia and Kazakhstan. Over the past two decades, the education system of the Customs Union countries has been reorganized from education management to strategic management that focuses on the future. The authors prove that an integrated and dynamic global market in the context of a pandemic is transforming the field of education. The article analyzes the interacting elements of the educational system, since they have a cumulative effect. The work has the character of a description, the methodological aspects of the study are determined by the aspects of institutional trust in social institutions, social management, the relevance and importance of institutional trust for the effective functioning of the social institution of education, the factors that significantly affect the formation of institutional trust are considered. The authors propose to consider strategic management as the driving force of innovative programs in education with an emphasis on human resources. The authors prove on extensive material that strategic management reduces the risks of educational organizations and transforms them into new fields of opportunities.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Zhaniyat B. Baltabayeva, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan.

PhD student L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge, Nur-Sultan Kazakhstan.

Fatima B. Sautieva, Ingush state University, Magas, Ingushetia.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Faculty of Technology and Education, Ingush state University, Magas, Ingushetia.

Anna G. Skorobogatova, Institute of Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services.

Post graduate student of the Institute of Additional Professional Education of Workers for Social Services of the Department of Labor and social protection of the population Moscow city.

Olga V. Mamatelashvili, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russian Federation.

PhD, Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Economic security", Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Russian Federation.


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Comment citer

Baltabayeva, Z. B., Sautieva, F. B., Skorobogatova, A. G., & Mamatelashvili, O. V. (2020). The impact of success factors on the strategic management in an educational complex. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 336–346.


