Digitalization of Higher Education and Professional Development of Educators: Technologies and New Opportunities



Mots-clés :

higher education, digitalization, educators, professional development, digital competence.


Nowadays, the development of the digital environment and the global network covers almost all spheres of life. That is why special attention is focused on the provision of the educational process with appropriate teaching aids and curricula, so that schools, universities, educators, and professional development of educators meet modern national and global challenges and provide support in the field of digital technologies, developing and shaping modern digital competencies. The article presents an analysis of digitalization in higher education and the necessity to improve the professional development of higher school educators and professional development technologies related to this process. Based on an expert survey, educational trends in the era of educational digitalization, innovative pedagogical technologies, and teaching methods are determined. The results of the survey, related to the introduction of new pedagogical and digital technologies in the educational process, allow the authors to design a model for the professional development of educators in the direction of the digital transformation of the educational process.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Svetlana Valentinovna Matveeva, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Natalia Sergeevna Akatova, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Yuriy Ivanovich Shcherbakov, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Nadezhda Victorovna Filinova, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.

Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.


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Comment citer

Matveeva, S. V., Akatova, N. S., Shcherbakov, Y. I., & Filinova, N. V. (2020). Digitalization of Higher Education and Professional Development of Educators: Technologies and New Opportunities. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 77–86.


