The improvement of the model to develop the infrastructure of the grain product subcomplex as the essential attribute to increase the efficiency and ramp up of Russian grain export


  • Danil Alexeevich Zyukin Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov, K. Russia.
  • Olga Viktorovna Svyatova Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.
  • Elena Leonidovna Zolotareva Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.
  • Anna Yurievna Bystritskaya Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.
  • Anzhelika Aleksandrovna Alyokhina Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia. 

Mots-clés :

Grain, grain product subcomplex of agro-industrial complex (A.I.C.), grain production, grain market, food safety, interregional exchange, grain export, state and economic regulation, production and logistics infrastructure, strategic development, efficiency


The directions of ramp up and increment of grain export efficiency and its interregional exchange in Russia are considered in Russia. The key element to achieve this strategic goal is the development of the production and logistics infrastructure of the grain-product subcomplex. The research shows the condition of the storage infrastructure is unsatisfying, its renewal is carried out at a slow rate, the major part is presented by on-the-floor storage objects of Soviet production, for this reason they are practically worn out. Increasing of capacity of deep-water ports and diversification due to Far East direction have been presented as the important direction of the development of export potential. The research proposes the model of the development of the production and logistics infrastructure of the grain-product subcomplex. It is based on the system of measures of state and economic regulation. The validity of the proposed model is determined by 5 principles: the realizable projects must be coordinated with state measures, to take into account the existing structure of regional grain production, to stimulate business investment activity, to increase the availability and efficiency of grain storage and transportation to the final consumer


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Danil Alexeevich Zyukin, Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov, K. Russia.

Candidate of Economic sciences, Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I.I. Ivanov, K. Russia.

Olga Viktorovna Svyatova, Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Elena Leonidovna Zolotareva, Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Doctor of Economic sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Anna Yurievna Bystritskaya, Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Candidate of Economic sciences, Head of the Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia.

Anzhelika Aleksandrovna Alyokhina, Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia. 

Candidate of Economic sciences, Associate professor of the Department of economics and accounting, Kursk state University, Russia. 


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Comment citer

Zyukin, D. A., Svyatova, O. V., Zolotareva, E. L., Bystritskaya, A. Y., & Alyokhina, A. A. (2020). The improvement of the model to develop the infrastructure of the grain product subcomplex as the essential attribute to increase the efficiency and ramp up of Russian grain export. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 461–470. Consulté à l’adresse


