Modern traditional forms in the post-Soviet space: The specifics and nature of economic relations


  • Vladimir Zotov Department, State and Municipal Management, Russia, Moscow.
  • Olga Goncharenko Instituto de la esfera del Servicio y la empresa (filial) FGBOU EN la "Universidad técnica estatal de Don"

Mots-clés :

Religious economy, religious economic system, religious factors of production, post-Soviet space, communities, material needs, finance


The proposed scientific problem is not sufficiently developed in modern research literature. Isolated studies demonstrate the importance of developing a common political and economic approach to religious farms and provide them with the most systematic, comprehensive analysis. The presence of these lacunae, both in general conceptual approaches and in the development of certain aspects of the problem being analyzed, determined the relevance of the research and the accentuation of the research goal. The articles have become collectively associated households of various denominational types. The research is focused on economic relations within confessional ones. farms, as well as religious farms among themselves, with other organizations, with the state. Studies of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of general economic theory and economic interests have become the methodological basis of the study; interaction of productive forces, economic forms, methods of management and institutional structures; the impact of economic structures on the processes of humanization of economic growth, social economy, theory of management of economic systems, the study of socio-economic alternatives. Of particular relevance to the study are the objective difficulties of the methodological plan: a) a special synergy of the object of study, since analyzing the religious economy has to find a balance between economics, philosophy, history, cultural studies, ethics and theology; b) insignificant representation of scientific economic works on this issue; c) the extreme degree of isolation and secrecy of religious communities, especially in matters of their economic and economic life; d) the modern economy rejects and does not accept religious activities; e) the presence of extreme antagonism between the modern economy and religion. Separate ideas of the proposed work run counter to the ideology currently established in economic theory. It is always difficult to study religious communities: under socialism, such research was impossible, or the aim was to show the shortcomings of these organizations; under capitalism, their research is again hindered by the dominant ideology, in the majority of its ideas opposed to religious principles.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.

Bibliographies de l'auteur

Vladimir Zotov, Department, State and Municipal Management, Russia, Moscow.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Head of the Department, State and Municipal Management 127051, Russia, Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 16/1, apartment 3.

Olga Goncharenko, Instituto de la esfera del Servicio y la empresa (filial) FGBOU EN la "Universidad técnica estatal de Don"

Candidato a doctor en Ciencias económicas, profesor asociado en economía y gestión, El Instituto de la esfera del Servicio y la empresa (filial) FGBOU EN la "Universidad técnica estatal de Don" en la ciudad de Shajty de la región de Rostov.


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Comment citer

Zotov, V., & Goncharenko, O. (2019). Modern traditional forms in the post-Soviet space: The specifics and nature of economic relations. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 252–260. Consulté à l’adresse


