Actualization of Metaphor in Literary Text (illustrated by the V.S. Yakovlev-Dalan’s novel “Tygyn Darkhan” and its Russian translation)


  • Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopieva North-Eastern Federal University, Russi
  • Evdokia Nikolaevna Dmitrieva North-Eastern Federal University, Russia
  • Svetlana Alexandrovna Korkina Master’s Degree student North-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Palabras clave:

Cognitive approach, mentality, linguistic picture of the world of Sakha people, locative, anthropomorphism, conceptual metaphor


Research on metaphor in the literary language is still of great interest at present. The paper considers fundamental studies revealing the notion of linguistic and literary metaphor and various approaches to it in the language of the literary style. It is the first comparative-historical and contrastive-typological investigation of translation of rhetorical and linguistic metaphors in literary text that were found through contrastive analysis of metaphors used in the historical novel by V.S. Yakovlev - Dalan “Tygyn Darkhan” and its translation into Russian made by A.E. Shaposhnikova. In some cases, we used our translation of metaphors from Yakut into Russian.


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Biografía del autor/a

Svetlana Mitrofanovna Prokopieva, North-Eastern Federal University, Russi

Professor, Doctor of science North-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Evdokia Nikolaevna Dmitrieva, North-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Professor, Doctor of science North-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Svetlana Alexandrovna Korkina, Master’s Degree student North-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Master’s Degree student North-Eastern Federal University, Russia


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Cómo citar

Prokopieva, S. M., Dmitrieva, E. N., & Korkina, S. A. (2019). Actualization of Metaphor in Literary Text (illustrated by the V.S. Yakovlev-Dalan’s novel “Tygyn Darkhan” and its Russian translation). Amazonia Investiga, 8(24), 213–218. Recuperado a partir de


