Change in agrochemical, properties and vertical distribution of 137Cs in al. luvial. soil depending on rehabilitation measures


  • Nikolay Maksimovich Belous Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.
  • Evgeny Vladimirovich Smolsky Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District
  • Evgeny Vladimirovich Prosyannikov Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.
  • Lyudmila Petrovna Harkevich Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.
  • German Leonidovich Yagovenko FSBIU "Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams »All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk.Michurinsky.

Palabras clave:

al. luvial. soils (Fluvisols), methods for improving meadows, fertility indicators, radioactive contamination of soils, 137Cs migration.


As a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the loss of artificial. radionuclides, there was a decrease in the area of fodder land capable of producing feed that meets radiation standards. The use of rehabilitation measures contributes to the return of lost lands to agricultural. circulation, however, the issues of changing the fertility and behavior of 137Cs in al. luvial. soil are not well understood. Therefore, the aim of the study was to study the transformation of soil fertility under the influence of rehabilitation measures and the behavior of 137Cs in the soil profile of floodplain meadows. It was found that the use of floodplain meadows as hayfields does not change the agrochemical. indicators of the fertility of al. luvial. soil. A radical. and superficial. improvement with the introduction of mineral. fertilizers increased the content of nutrients in the soil. It was established that at the initial. stage of the rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated floodplain meadows it is necessary to carry out a radical. improvement (the use of deep two-tier plowing), due to this there is a maximum decrease in concentration in the root-inhabited layer of al. luvial. soil. At the initial. stage of the study, the largest part of 137Cs was in a layer of 0-5 cm of al. luvial. soil, a uniform distribution of the radionuclide to a depth of 20 cm occurred after 21 years, and the application of mineral. fertilizer contributed to the equal. ization of the specific activity of 137Cs in layers of 0-5 and 5-10 cm. The application of radical. and surface improvement with the introduction of mineral. fertilizer enhanced the equal. ization of the concentration of 137Cs ?in the layers 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm. 137Cs  migration to the root layer of the soil from the underlying layers was reveal. ed due to an increase in the mass of grass cover under the influence of increasing doses of mineral. fertilizer.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nikolay Maksimovich Belous, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

Evgeny Vladimirovich Smolsky, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Associate Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

Evgeny Vladimirovich Prosyannikov, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

Lyudmila Petrovna Harkevich, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District.

German Leonidovich Yagovenko, FSBIU "Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams »All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk.Michurinsky.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Director FSBIU "Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams »All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk.Michurinsky.


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Cómo citar

Belous, N. M., Smolsky, E. V., Prosyannikov, E. V., Harkevich, L. P., & Yagovenko, G. L. (2019). Change in agrochemical, properties and vertical distribution of 137Cs in al. luvial. soil depending on rehabilitation measures. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 767–780. Recuperado a partir de


