The effectiveness of chemicals in the cultivation of winter rye on soil contaminated by radiation


  • Igor Nikolaevich Belous Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District
  • Victor Fedorovich Shapovalov Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region Vygonichsky district
  • Galina Petrovna Malyavko Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk region. Vygonichsky district
  • Evgeny Vladimirovich Prosyannikov Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District
  • German Leonidovich Yagovenko “The Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams” All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk. Michurinsky.

Palabras clave:

Winter rye. fertilizers. pesticides. humistim. productivity. quality. 137Cs. efficiency.


In a long-term stationary field experiment of the Novozybkovsky State Agricultural Experimental Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine on sod-podzolic sandy soil contaminated with 137?s 526-666 kBq / m2. the effectiveness of chemical means for cultivating winter rye Pukhovchanka was studied. It was established that the use of organic-mineral (aftereffect of manure 40 t / ha + N70P30K60) and mineral N140P60K120 fertilizer systems in combination with chemical plant protection products and a humistim biological product can increase the yield of winter rye grain by 4.1 - 4.4 times compared to control. The complex use of fertilizers. pesticides and humistima contributed to a significant increase in the physical and baking indicators of grain quality relative to control. The use of fertilizer. both separately and in combination with chemical plant protection products and humistim. reduced the accumulation of 137?s in winter rye grains by 1.95 - 5.60 times compared with the control. which ensured the production of normatively clean products in technologically polluted areas. The greatest energy and economic efficiency was noted in the organic-mineral fertilizer system in combination with pesticides and a humistim biological product. where the profitability level of winter rye grain production was 92.6%.


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Biografía del autor/a

Igor Nikolaevich Belous, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Associate Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

Victor Fedorovich Shapovalov, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region Vygonichsky district

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region Vygonichsky district

Galina Petrovna Malyavko, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk region. Vygonichsky district

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk region. Vygonichsky district

Evgeny Vladimirovich Prosyannikov, Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Professor Bryansk State Agrarian University. Russia. Bryansk Region. Vygonichsky District

German Leonidovich Yagovenko, “The Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams” All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk. Michurinsky.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Director “The Federal Scientific Center for Feed Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams” All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Bryansk. Michurinsky.


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Cómo citar

Belous, I. N., Shapovalov, V. F., Malyavko, G. P., Prosyannikov, E. V., & Yagovenko, G. L. (2019). The effectiveness of chemicals in the cultivation of winter rye on soil contaminated by radiation. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 759–766. Recuperado a partir de


