Aspectos regionales de investigación de empresas agrícolas de orientación ecológica


  • Roman V. Kapinos Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin, Belgorod theological Seminary
  • Nikolaj M. Echin Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin
  • Natalya I. Chovgan Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin
  • Olga S. Akupiyan Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin
  • Dmitriy P. Kravchenko Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Palabras clave:

Economía regional, eco-asentamientos, economía, ecología, definición, clasificación de fincas, principios de eco-asentamientos.


El artículo está dedicado al estudio del fenómeno económico del eco-asentamiento en la economía regional. Se introduce la interpretación del autor del concepto de economía regional, se lleva a cabo la clasificación de las granjas regionales de acuerdo con una serie de criterios. Se propone una nueva definición de eco-asentamientos. Se da la clasificación de las ecoaldeas modernas. Se han investigado a fondo varios asentamientos ecológicos nuevos y tradicionales. Se muestra la importancia de los eco-asentamientos para la economía, la ecología y la sociedad. El estudio se realizó dentro del trabajo de investigación del laboratorio educativo-científico de cooperación e integración de la economía regional, agricultura, desarrollo de territorios rurales de la UNIVERSIDAD agrícola estatal de Belgorod que lleva el nombre de V. Gorin, profesor supervisor asociado RV Kapinos (en el marco de el acuerdo n. ° 6.9.30 de 28 de marzo de 2018) en el marco de la concesión interna de la UNIVERSIDAD agrícola estatal de Belgorod (orden n. ° 202-3 del 18.04.19). 


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Biografía del autor/a

Roman V. Kapinos, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin, Belgorod theological Seminary

Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin, researcher at the Belgorod theological Seminary (with a missionary orientation)

Nikolaj M. Echin, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Natalya I. Chovgan, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Olga S. Akupiyan, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Dmitriy P. Kravchenko, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin

Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of economic theory and Economics of agroindustrial complex of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Ya. Gorin


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Cómo citar

Kapinos, R. V., Echin, N. M., Chovgan, N. I., Akupiyan, O. S., & Kravchenko, D. P. (2019). Aspectos regionales de investigación de empresas agrícolas de orientación ecológica. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 565–573. Recuperado a partir de


