Formación de competencia cultural y estética de un estudiante universitario de cultura y artes: enfoques filosóficos y metodológicos


  • Irina Aryabkina Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic Russian Federation
  • Natalya Baskakova Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation
  • Larisa Grigorieva Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines Department, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation
  • Gennadiy Petrov Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Palabras clave:

The student of the University Culture and Arts, philosophical and methodological approaches, cultural and aesthetic competence.


El artículo está dedicado a la consideración de enfoques filosóficos y metodológicos fundamentales para el proceso de formación de la competencia cultural y estética de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes. Se ha presentado una breve descripción del concepto de «competencia cultural y estética de un estudiante de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes»; Sobre la base del estudio de la literatura filosófica, cultural, psicopedagógica, el significado y los significados de la realización en la práctica educativa de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes de la unidad cultural, axiológica (valor), poliartística, poliestetica (expresiva) Los enfoques han sido analizados. Los resultados generales del trabajo de investigación sobre el problema de la formación de la competencia cultural y estética de los estudiantes de universidades de cultura y arte, realizado sobre la base del presupuesto de la institución educativa de educación superior de la República de Chuvash «Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts »Del Ministerio de Cultura, Nacionalidades y Actos de Archivo de la República de Chuvash.


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Biografía del autor/a

Irina Aryabkina, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic Russian Federation

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute, professor of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic Russian Federation

Natalya Baskakova, Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Rector of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Larisa Grigorieva, Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines Department, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor at the Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines Department, Vice Rector for Academic and Educational Work of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Gennadiy Petrov, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Work of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, the Ministry of Culture for nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation


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Cómo citar

Aryabkina, I., Baskakova, N., Grigorieva, L., & Petrov, G. (2019). Formación de competencia cultural y estética de un estudiante universitario de cultura y artes: enfoques filosóficos y metodológicos. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 6–16. Recuperado a partir de


