Attitudes of students of the college of business administration towards self-employment



Palabras clave:

Self-Employment, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, College Students.


This study aims to evaluate and discuss the attitudes of business administration college students towards Self-Employment and entrepreneurship. The research community consists of male and female students studying for a master's degree at the College of Business Administration, University of Tabouk. The sample included (105) male and female students and (65) male and (40) female students from the University of Tabouk. The study tool consisted of a scale that included (20) items, and the scale consisted of two parts: a) Primary information: It is considered one of the study's variables. b) The paragraphs of the questionnaire express the extent to which the College of Business Administration students are aware of Self-Employment. The study's findings indicated that the attitudes of business administration students towards Self-Employment are very positive and high. However, according to the survey results, Self-Employment has several difficulties, including a lack of stable income, the need for adequate capital at the start of the project, and high prices of goods and services. However, still, the students' attitudes towards Self-Employment remain significantly high.


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Biografía del autor/a

Naseem Abdulghaffar Saeed Bazuhair, University of Tabouk, Saudi Arabi.

Dr., Assistant professor in Business Management, University of Tabouk, Saudi Arabi.


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Cómo citar

Bazuhair, N. A. S. (2022). Attitudes of students of the college of business administration towards self-employment. Amazonia Investiga, 11(59), 119–129.


