Influence of the digital space on suicidal behavior of adolescents



Palabras clave:

Internet, cybersuicide, adolescents, self-harm, suicide, digital space.


With the Internet now firmly established as the main medium of communication in today’s world, studying the effect of its various aspects on the behavior of minors is now more relevant than ever.

This article provides arguments in favor of the need to study the phenomenon of cybersuicide among adolescents in light of the rising number of suicides among children in many countries in recent years, including Ukraine.

The aim of this article is to study the role of the digital space, namely the Internet, in the reinforcement of suicidal ideation and intentions among children and, ultimately, in driving them to suicide.

To achieve this goal, a number of general and special research methods for understanding social realities were used, to ensure objectivity and accuracy of obtained data, which was all the more important given the nature of the subject.

The dangers of the pre-suicidal state (pre-suicide) were examined, including from a medical perspective. Particular attention was paid to behavioral tendencies common among adolescents.

The authors arrived at the conclusion that the digital space can both trigger suicidal thoughts and intentions in adolescents with its content and facilitate their committing suicide through “support” or even encouragement from online friends.

The authors stress that related content children post on social media can help discover whether they have been having suicidal ideation. Arguments are given in favor of the need for parents, teachers, and psychologists to monitor said content to be able to provide timely psychological help, including via the digital space.


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Biografía del autor/a

Iryna Lubenets, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Candidate of Sciences in Jurisprudence, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of Research Laboratory of Criminological Research and Crime Prevention Problems, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Kulyk, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Doctor  of  Law,  Professor,  Chief of the Research Laboratory of Criminological Research and Crime Prevention Problems, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Lillia Lisnychenko, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Candidate of Sciences in Jurisprudence, Leading Researcher of Research Laboratory of Criminological Research and Crime Prevention Problems, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Iryna Naumova, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Senior Researcher of Research Laboratory of Criminological Research and Crime Prevention Problems, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Taras Chabaiovskyi, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.

Candidate of Sciences in Jurisprudence, Senior Researcher of Research Laboratory for Criminological Research and Crime Prevention Problems, State Research Institute of MIA of Ukraine.


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Cómo citar

Lubenets, I., Kulyk, O., Lisnychenko, L., Naumova, I., & Chabaiovskyi, T. (2022). Influence of the digital space on suicidal behavior of adolescents. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 8–18.


