Linguo-culturological analysis of the translation of phraseological units on the basis of Mo Yan’s novel “Life and Death are wearing me out”



Palabras clave:

difficulties and techniques of translation, Mo Yan, national specifics, phraseology, russian language.


The article considers the issue of the peculiarities and methods of translating phraseological units from Chinese using the example of Mo Yan’s postmodernist novel “Life and Death are wearing me out”. The purpose of this article is to analyze the linguo-culturological approach when translating phraseological units with the elements of national culture, as well as to consider the methods of translating phraseological units both in the process of inter-lingual and intercultural communication. The linguo-culturological aspect is presented in the literary text in various ways, primarily in the form of vocabulary where you can meet a linguo-cultural or national-specific component. Phraseology contains a national-cultural component in its semantics and it also has cross-cultural value. Both in Chinese and in Russian, these set expressions have a vivid emotional coloring and clearly reflect a particular linguistic trait of the people.


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Biografía del autor/a

Xin Gao, People' s Friendship University of Russia, Russia.

Ph.D. student, RUDN University in Russia. People' s Friendship University of Russia, Russia.


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Cómo citar

Gao, X. (2022). Linguo-culturological analysis of the translation of phraseological units on the basis of Mo Yan’s novel “Life and Death are wearing me out”. Amazonia Investiga, 11(49), 251–258.


