
  • Marianna A. Dudareva Faculty of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • Vlada V. Nikitina Faculty of the Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Palabras clave:

Dostoievski, sueño, espacio, poética, Kondratiev, símbolo


El artículo analiza las poéticas de F.M. Dostoievski y A. Kondratiev, un escritor simbolista de principios del siglo XX. El objeto de la investigación son los dos trabajos "El sueño de un hombre ridículo" de Dostoievski y la novela "Sueños" de Kondratiev. Se presta mucha atención al sueño como un dispositivo literario y los movimientos espaciales de los héroes que reciben conocimiento sagrado a través del sueño y están apegados a la realidad metafísica. Ambos escritores en el trabajo de la realidad están estrechamente relacionados con el espacio, y esto determina la naturaleza de los modelos espaciales en la poética. Dormir es igual a la muerte temporal y permite que los personajes principales vayan más allá de lo ordinario, lo profano. El artículo utiliza el método tipológico y el comentario folclórico. Traza paralelos con la filosofía oriental, donde hay una unidad de hombre y naturaleza, hombre y cosmos


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Biografía del autor/a

Marianna A. Dudareva, Faculty of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

PhD in Philology Associate professor of the Russian Language Department No. 2 Faculty of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

Vlada V. Nikitina, Faculty of the Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

PhD in Philology Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department No. 2 Faculty of the Russian Language and General Education Disciplines Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


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Dostoevsky, F.M. (1958). The dream of a ridiculous man. Collected Works. Moscow. V. 10. [Further, the text of the story of Dostoevsky is cited from the named edition with indication of the page].

Eliade, M. (1994). Two lifestyles in the world. The Sacred and the Profane. Moscow.

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Jataka about snake bite. (1989). Tale of wisdom, true and imaginary. Translation from G. Zograph. Leningrad.
Kondratiev, A.A. (1993). Dreams. St. Petersburg. [Further, the text of Kondratiev's story is cited from the named edition with indication of the page].

Osho Rajneesh. (1995). The sacrament and poetry of the beyond. No mind: flowers of eternity. The sacrament and poetry of the beyond. Translation from English. Moscow.

Panchenko, A.M. (1986). Topeka and cultural distance. Historical poetics. Results and prospects of study. Moscow: Science. p. 237 - 246.

Popov, D.L. (2000). The plot of insight in the story of Dostoevsky's “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” from the hidden to the manifest. Hidden literature. Ivanovo.

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Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. (1992). Translated from English by V.I. Nelin. Kaliningra. [Hereafter, the texts of parables are cited from the named edition with indication of the page].




Cómo citar

Dudareva, M. A., & Nikitina, V. V. (2019). SUEÑO EN LA POÉTICA DE F.M. DOSTOEVSKY Y A.A. KONDRATIEV. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 6–9. Recuperado a partir de


