Social media projects for boosting intercultural communication by means of learning English



Palabras clave:

learning English, social media groups, intercultural communication, psycholinguistic study, culturally diverse students.


The paper is targeted to explore the intensification of communication among culturally diverse students by means of creating social media groups. In frames of the psycholinguistic experiment, Ukrainian and Chinese students were working together at detecting common, similar and distinct features in idioms from the Ukrainian, English and Chinese languages. They intented to decode the phraseological picture of the world of Ukrainian, English and Chinese. Participation in social media group enabled participants’ exchanging opinions and ideas in the process of learning English. Such intercultural interaction outlined the national-axiological characteristics of Ukrainian, Chinese and English, their outlook and behavioral patterns. Pedagogical observation and interviews with participants revealed that students, who participated in the social media project, learnt traditions, speech etiquette and social norms of other nations, fostered their English speaking and writing skills. It was noted that democratic, uncritical and open-minded style of communication in the social media group allowed participants to build informal cooperation, develop tolerance to fellow students, overcome self-doubt and get motivated to communicate with culturally diverse students.


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Biografía del autor/a

Tatiana Fomenko, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

Marina Bilotserkovets, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Department, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

Alina Sbruieva, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Pedagogy Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Andrij Kovalenko, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, English Philology and Liguistic Didactics Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Olena Bagatska, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, English Philology and Liguistic Didactics Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.


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Cómo citar

Fomenko, T., Bilotserkovets, M., Sbruieva, A., Kovalenko, A., & Bagatska, O. (2021). Social media projects for boosting intercultural communication by means of learning English. Amazonia Investiga, 10(48), 89–96.


