A conceptual model of a transition from technogenic to human-induced globalization




Palabras clave:

globalization, technogenic globalization, human-induced globalization, innovative development, technogenesis.


Globalization is a fundamental integrative social mechanism, in which two stages can be distinguished: “technogenic globalization” and “human-induced globalization”. The result of a phase transition from the first stage to the second should be the final formation of an information society. The aim of the study was the theoretical substantiation of globalization as a mechanism for a transition to an information society, and identification of the role and place of technogenesis in it. The paper considers the essence of a transition to an information society in the context of the replacement of technogenic globalization with human-induced globalization, and draws a conclusion about the place of technogenesis and artificial intelligence, as its institution, in human-induced globalization. It is shown that at the present stage, human-induced globalization should be implemented with a focus on the following directions of technogenesis: a) formation of breakthrough directions of development of the “Human Variable of society”; b) ensuring the demand for innovative development; c) acquisition by society of a new development resource – “human-energy-informational plasma”;  d) formation of a new “capital” mechanism – the mechanism of self-growth of the value of social life on the basis of the investment flow of human-energy-informational plasma.


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Biografía del autor/a

Louise Batukova, Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Naira Bagdasaryan, Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Assistant, Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Lusine Bagdasaryan, Siberian Federal University, Russia.

Assistant, Siberian Federal University, Russia.


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Cómo citar

Batukova, L., Bagdasaryan, N., & Bagdasaryan, L. (2021). A conceptual model of a transition from technogenic to human-induced globalization. Amazonia Investiga, 10(47), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.47.11.1


