Formation of ethnosocial identity in the matrix of media discourse



Palabras clave:

mass media matrix, linguo-informational model, linguoinformneme, China, image of the country, geopolitonym, linguo-informational steps, media discourse.


The authors analyze the linguo-information model of the country in the modern media discourse of Russia and China. Screening of Russian and Chinese sources uses the method of contextual analysis with an emphasis on the implicit content of the media image of the country, the descriptive method, the method of cultural interpretation, content analysis. Information wars use the image of a country as a starting point in the matrix of media discourse to emphasize the perception of information. The authors propose the concept of a media matrix for understanding the cognitive side of media images of geopolitical topoobjects. The authors substantiate the introduction of the terms linguoinforneme and linguoinformational step into scientific circulation from the point of view of the structure of the matrix of geopolitonyms of the media. The media image of the country in the media discourse is diverse, being realized in evaluative linguistic systems. The authors show what the mythologized / realistic perception of the image of the country is based on, how it is conditioned by the tasks of geopolitics, how it correlates with the strategies of international cooperation and how it affects intercultural communication.


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Biografía del autor/a

Irina S. Karabulatova, RUDN (Moscow, Russia)

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Research Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, RUDN (Moscow, Russia)

Margarita D. Lagutkina, RUDN (Moscow)

Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology of the RUDN (Moscow)

Natalia V. Borodina, Sochi State University of Tourism and Hospitality (SSU). (Moscow, Russia)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology and Social Communications of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty of Sochi State University of Tourism and Hospitality (SSU). (Moscow, Russia)

Maria A. Streltsova, Tyumen Center of Speech Therapy and Speech Development (Moscow, Russia)

Head of the Tyumen Center of Speech Therapy and Speech Development (Moscow, Russia)

Aleksei O. Bakhus, RUDN (Moscow, Russia)

Senior lecturer of the course "Modern technologies of mass media and MC", Faculty of Philology, RUDN (Moscow, Russia)


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Cómo citar

Karabulatova, I. S., Lagutkina, M. D., Borodina, N. V., Streltsova, M. A., & Bakhus, A. O. (2021). Formation of ethnosocial identity in the matrix of media discourse. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 234–247.


