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Biografía del autor/a

Maxym Tkalych, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Civil Law Department of Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine.

Olga Melnychuk, National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of the Department of General Theoretical Jurisprudence of National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Serhii Chumak, National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics of National University «Odesa Law Academy», Ukraine.


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Cómo citar

Tkalych, M., Melnychuk, O., & Chumak, S. (2021). Editorial. Amazonia Investiga, 10(42), 6–8. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.42.06.0


