Criminological Analysis and Filtering of Sites with Aggressive Content



Palabras clave:

aggressive influence, aggressor, website, criminological, systemic, analysis, identification.


The work carried out a study of the current problem of minimizing risks and damage from aggressive impacts on the Internet, in social networks. The methodology of system and forensic analysis has been used. Using methods of mathematical and information-logical analysis, comparative and cognitive analysis of counteraction to aggressive impact on the visitor or owner of the site (moderator of the forum) is carried out. Methods of aggressive behavior (disinhibition, trolling, cyber-bullying and astroturfing), their local and global goals - up to the capture and management of communicative resources for the purpose of affecting the user - have been analyzed. Aggressiveness on the site has become a public problem, legally not only in Vietnam, but also in many countries, including Russia, France, South Korea, etc. Hosting distances itself from an important problem for it as well. The aggressiveness of a site is classified by the site's aggressiveness scale. Criminological identification of aggression and aggressor is a complex and multidimensional problem. Was carried out systemic and practical, criminological analysis of aggressive behavior on sites. Was possible to formulate and propose measures, approaches to filtering and combating aggressive behavior on the site, as well as to formalize it mathematically, for subsequent research. The analysis will help to counter the aggressor and support the victim.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nguyen Huy Binh, People's Police Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.

PhD in Law, Deputy head of the criminal police Department, People's Police Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.


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Cómo citar

Huy Binh, N. (2020). Criminological Analysis and Filtering of Sites with Aggressive Content. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 482–488.


