Types of somatic rights and their legal regulation


  • Elena Olegovna Tchinaryan Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.
  • Alla Andreevna Neznamova Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.
  • Georgyi Nickolaevich Kuleshov Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.
  • Renata Romanovna Lenkovskaya Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.
  • Pavel Valerievich Zhesterov Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.



Palabras clave:

bioethics, human rights, somatic rights, right to life.


The article deals with topical issues of legal recognition of a new type of human rights – somatic rights as rights that appeared in connection with the rapid development of biomedical science. This has given rise to a number of difficulties since these rights are characterized by a purely personal nature and close relationship with the physiological nature of a person. The concept of bioethics is given as an emerging social institution, the meaning of which is to regulate conflicts arising in the field of new medical technologies, on the one hand, and directly with the individual and society on the other. The purpose of this article is to consider the main types of somatic rights, their characteristics and definition, as well as some normative legal acts on the regulation of this type of legal relations in Russia and abroad.

Human rights are not a fixed category. Human rights standards have historically emerged, changed and developed in the process of development of society and statehood. Legal constructions characterizing a person as a subject of law with an inherent set of rights, duties, and freedoms were formed at each historical stage in the development of human rights and freedoms. The institute of human rights is in constant development, aimed at expanding the number of rights and freedoms, as well as improving existing ones. Currently, law enforcement agencies do not have the task of expanding existing rights and freedoms. An important point in the development of the last generation of the institute of human rights is to ensure and guarantee the protection of human and citizen. Human rights must be realized in accordance with modern ideas, the current level of development of society, the new challenges they face and the new requirements of democratic development. Theoretical approaches in the field of somatic rights classification, as well as international legal and national regulation of this problem, are investigated using the system, structural and functional methods.


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Biografía del autor/a

Elena Olegovna Tchinaryan, Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Alla Andreevna Neznamova, Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Georgyi Nickolaevich Kuleshov, Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Renata Romanovna Lenkovskaya, Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Pavel Valerievich Zhesterov, Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.

Russian State Social University (RSSU), Russian Federation.


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Cómo citar

Tchinaryan, E. O., Neznamova, A. A., Kuleshov, G. N., Lenkovskaya, R. R., & Zhesterov, P. V. (2020). Types of somatic rights and their legal regulation. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 116–123. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.29.05.14


