Intelligent CRM systems of transport companies


  • Thanh Trung Truong Department of traffic police training, People's police Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.


Palabras clave:

Relationship, client, management, CRM, transport, company, evolution, intellectualization.


High technological efficiency and the use of intelligent systems are the main internal factors in the evolution of the transport company. Transportation companies are introducing digital infrastructure, trying to achieve practical results by focusing on customer demand, such as actively using Customer Relationship Management and holding on to the customer, increasing their loyalty. But there are problems in activating such systems because of their heterogeneity and non-systemic approach to their use. A system analysis is needed, which is the main purpose of this article. This problem is discussed in this article for highly competitive transport (logistics) business. The capabilities and impact of the transport company 's customer relationship management systems in the cloud are analyzed. The method of organization and regulation of business processes oriented to relations with clients, creation and development of cloud business infrastructure is proposed. The evolutionary cycle of the transport system in cloud infrastructure is described. A comprehensive multiplicative transportation efficiency model similar to the Allen model has been built and described how to use it to evaluate system self-regulation. The results of the work can become a methodological basis for solving practical problems of business processes of transport systems and their transfer to cloud infrastructure.


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Biografía del autor/a

Thanh Trung Truong, Department of traffic police training, People's police Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Candidate of law, Department of traffic police training, People's police Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.


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Cómo citar

Truong, T. T. (2020). Intelligent CRM systems of transport companies. Amazonia Investiga, 9(26), 409–414.


