The impact of changes in labor relations on mortality rates in Russia


  • Elena Yurevna Legchilina Omsk State Transport University, Department "Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation


Palabras clave:

Population mortality; working age; mortality factors; social and labor relations; transformation of social and labor relations


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to assess the indicators characterizing a comprehensive change in social and labor relations in Russia for the period 1992-2016 and the subsequent change in the indicators of total mortality and mortality of the working-age population. 

Methodology/approach. Economic analysis and grouping of empirical data, construction of dynamic series and their visualization were performed. The research period is the entire post-Soviet stage of social and labor relations development, i.e. from 1992 up to the present.

Results. 1) the complex impact of the change in the state of social and labor relations on the population mortality rates and on the development of existing proven dependencies was estimated; 2) previously identified deferred impact of the income factor on the working age population mortality rate was confirmed; a similar influence of the labor conditions factor was revealed; 3) the influence of the working day's duration factor was observed; 4) the coincidence of the changes trends in the population death rate with the stages of social and labor relations transformation was confirmed: proto-transformation, partial transformation and complete transformation.

Conclusions. Practitioners can use these results in developing directions to reduce mortality and improve working life quality; researchers can use these results as a basic hypothesis for determining the degree of mortality rates dependence on social and labor relations indicators.



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Biografía del autor/a

Elena Yurevna Legchilina, Omsk State Transport University, Department "Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation

Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Omsk State Transport University, head of the department "Management, marketing and commerce". Omsk, Russian Federation


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Cómo citar

Legchilina, E. Y. (2020). The impact of changes in labor relations on mortality rates in Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 9(26), 36–51.


