Formalized conceptual rule to interpret crisis state of organizational and economic separation for micro-level and meso-level


Palabras clave:

Management, crisis, interpretation, criterion rule, division, enterprise, corporation, interpretation.


The relevance of the transformation of anti-crisis management of departments, enterprises and corporate groups in the direction of its intellectualization due to the relevance of external and internal perturbing factors, threats and unfavorability is stated in a reasoned manner. The necessity of a broad interpretation of the crisis state of organizational and economic separation is proved. The objective need for meaningful interpretation and formalized representation of the crisis state of organizational and economic separation in the implementation of all typical management functions – is shown. The applicability of the known development potential is estimated. The components of the rule of recognition of the state of separation as a crisis in the financial and economic aspect is determined in a meaningful and variant way. Versions of the rule of recognition of the state of separation as crisis in relation to the micro-level and meso-level are considered.


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Biografía del autor/a

Oleg N. Dmitriev, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia.

Full-doctor in Economics, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia.

Veronika A. Zolotova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia


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Cómo citar

Dmitriev, O. N., & Zolotova, V. A. (2020). Formalized conceptual rule to interpret crisis state of organizational and economic separation for micro-level and meso-level. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 327–336. Recuperado a partir de


