The main provisions of the evolutionary doctrine in economics


  • Ilmir Nusratullin Project Management and Marketing Department, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business, Bashkir State University
  • Olga Yeremeeva Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Khakassia State University named after N.F. Katanov 
  • Galina Butorina Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agrarian and Industrial Complex, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University
  • Sergey Novikov Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities, Moscow Aviation Institute
  • Mikhail Kovazhenkov Department of Management and Finance of Production Systems and Technological Entrepreneurship, Volgograd State Technical University

Palabras clave:

Economic Theory, Evolutionary Economics, Evolutionism, Institutional Economics.


Today, in the economic theory, the mainstream is the following areas: neoclassical economic theory, neo-Keynesianism, monetarism, institutionalism. The basis of these areas is the principle of economic equilibrium. However, more and more economists see the economy not as an equilibrium, but, on the contrary, as a non-equilibrium system. In the framework of this study, the evolutionary economic theory is studied, which can become the theoretical basis for studying economics from the point of view of disequilibrium. For this purpose, the paper reveals the main provisions of evolutionary doctrine in economics, describes the evolutionary mechanisms of development in the economy (variability, heredity, selection, competition), defines the main elements of evolution in the economy (economic feasibility, levels of evolutionary transformation, evolutionary material in the economy, elementary evolutionary factors). This paper is part of a series that reveals the hypothesis that the evolutionary economic theory is a more general economic theory, from the position of which it is possible to more fully reveal the principles of behavior of individuals and institutions to maximize the satisfaction of material needs and on this basis to formulate an effective economic policy of individuals and institutions, including the state.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ilmir Nusratullin, Project Management and Marketing Department, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business, Bashkir State University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Project Management and Marketing Department, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business, Bashkir State University

Olga Yeremeeva, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Khakassia State University named after N.F. Katanov 

Olga Yeremeeva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Institute of Economics and Management, Khakassia State University named after N.F. Katanov 

Galina Butorina, Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agrarian and Industrial Complex, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agrarian and Industrial Complex, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

Sergey Novikov, Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities, Moscow Aviation Institute

PhD in Economics, Head of Institute, Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities, Moscow Aviation Institute

Mikhail Kovazhenkov, Department of Management and Finance of Production Systems and Technological Entrepreneurship, Volgograd State Technical University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Finance of Production Systems and Technological Entrepreneurship, Volgograd State Technical University


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Cómo citar

Nusratullin, I., Yeremeeva, O., Butorina, G., Novikov, S., & Kovazhenkov, M. (2020). The main provisions of the evolutionary doctrine in economics. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 230–241. Recuperado a partir de


