Human textuality as an interdisciplinary problem: the relationship of the genome, gunas of nature and biological destiny of a human being


  • Maya Vilyevna Rakhimova Department of Socio-Humanitarian and Psychological-Pedagogical Disciplines, South Ural State Institute of Art named after P. I. Tchaikovsky

Palabras clave:

Textuality, genome, epigenome, word, gunas of nature, the biological destiny of a human being


The purpose of this work is by relying on the interdisciplinary aspect to provide evidence in defense of the thesis about the textual nature of a human being. The author believes that a human being is a text on the biological and metaphysical levels of matter, and an interdisciplinary approach is able to discover the mutual relationship between the gunas of nature, genes and the biological destiny of a human being. An interdisciplinary approach is used as the lead. The author relies on scientific data of genetics, epigenetics, philosophy of language, linguistics, philosophy and philosophy of religion. The paper presents a comparison, analysis of scientific data of the Humanities and natural Sciences about a human being. The novelty of the work is determined by the interdisciplinary approach to the problem of human textuality. The linguistics help to understand the structure of DNA as a linguistic structure. The philosophies of religion help to notice the similarities between genetic polymorphism and karma, gunas and genes. The epigenetics help to capture the special relationship between nutrition, stress and epigenetic landscape, human mood and biological destiny. Philosophy helps to notice the interdisciplinary connections between the Humanities and natural Sciences and to bring the study of a human being to a new level of understanding.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maya Vilyevna Rakhimova, Department of Socio-Humanitarian and Psychological-Pedagogical Disciplines, South Ural State Institute of Art named after P. I. Tchaikovsky

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Socio-Humanitarian and Psychological-Pedagogical Disciplines, South Ural State Institute of Art named after P. I. Tchaikovsky


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Cómo citar

Rakhimova, M. V. (2020). Human textuality as an interdisciplinary problem: the relationship of the genome, gunas of nature and biological destiny of a human being. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 49–58. Recuperado a partir de


