Features of local government formation and development in the Republic of Armenia (using the example of Gavar city municipality of the Gekharkunik Region)


  • Tatiana A. Evstratova Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.
  • Elena E. Kabanova Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.
  • Ekaterina A. Vetrova Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.
  • Polina V. Palehova Center for Sustainable Development of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development of Ranepa. The Russian presidential academy of national economy and public administration, The Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Gevorg V. Manasyan Administration of Geharkunik region.


Local government, municipal property, local budget, municipalities, local community, Republic of Armenia.


New sovereign states appeared after the collapse of the USSR, which have to develop democratic society for a long time. With the development of public administration decentralization, a significant part of the obligations and powers to manage the property of cities and rural areas, health, education, culture, and sports was transferred to the localities. The process of the legal field of municipality development began, which has not been completed to this day. The optimization of municipality management in modern conditions will allow to achieve the highest possible results, enhance the involvement of the local population in the development of the city, to address the issues of local importance more effectively. The great difficulty in the study of modern problems of local self-government is conditioned by the presence of different points of view on the issue of its essence, the absence of a unified theory of local self-government and the existence of different models and forms of its organization. The absence of the established interaction practice between population, government and judicial structures, the underdevelopment of political culture, apathy and lack of confidence in the authority points to the insufficiency of control forms and responsibility specified in the law of the Republic of Armenia on local self-government. The article substantiates the need to increase the importance of local self-government in society, allows to realize the diversity of population interests, satisfy their socio-economic needs, act as the most important means of Armenia region stabilization and development and the state as a whole, the formation of civil society. The municipality must solve local problems with its own forces and means, and be responsible for its decisions. Local governments should own and manage municipal property, including local finances independently - these are the necessary economic conditions for the exercise of their authority.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana A. Evstratova, Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Elena E. Kabanova, Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Ekaterina A. Vetrova, Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration. Russian State Social University, The Russian Federation, Moscow.

Polina V. Palehova, Center for Sustainable Development of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development of Ranepa. The Russian presidential academy of national economy and public administration, The Russian Federation, Moscow

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Center for Sustainable Development of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development of Ranepa. The Russian presidential academy of national economy and public administration, The Russian Federation, Moscow

Gevorg V. Manasyan, Administration of Geharkunik region.

Municipal employee of the Administration of Geharkunik region.


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How to Cite

Evstratova, T. A., Kabanova, E. E., Vetrova, E. A., Palehova, P. V., & Manasyan, G. V. (2019). Features of local government formation and development in the Republic of Armenia (using the example of Gavar city municipality of the Gekharkunik Region). Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 556–564. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/903


