Analysis of the main economic indicators dynamics for the activities in the field of physical fitness and sports in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in 2005-2017


  • Oleg Zilberstein The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics, senior researcher, Moscow
  • Vladimir Kotov PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics, senior researcher, Moscow
  • Tatiana Shklyar Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Svetlana Avtonomova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


Physical culture, sports, sports economics, sports industry, sports product, sports complex, sports activities, sales revenue, profit (loss) from sales, the value of fixed assets, the average number of all employees employed in the field of sports, forecast, Southern Federal District.


The purpose of this paper is to present some results of a comprehensive economic study in the field of physical fitness and sports. In this case, features of the dynamics concerning main indicators of the physical fitness and sports complex in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation are revealed, and a characteristic of the emerging trend is given. To achieve the stated goal, general logical cognition methods, statistical analysis of growth rates, and graphical analysis were used. The results of the study include the following. The paper discusses the theoretical issues of terminology and the structure of the object of study. The modern scientific works considering the issues of economy, management and development of sports and sports complex are analyzed. The general boundaries of the study were determined: analysis of the dynamics in the four main indicators of the sports and sports complex in the Southern Federal District: sales revenue, profit (loss) from sales, the value of fixed assets, and the average number of all employees engaged in sports. The development trends of the main indicators of the physical fitness and sports complex in the Southern Federal District are revealed. A forecast of their changes was made. Directions for further are studied. The scientific novelty of the research presented in the paper consists in that, first, theoretical approaches (for marketing and management) to determining the boundaries and structure of the physical fitness and sports sphere are identified; secondly, the trend of changes in the main economic indicators of the sports complex in the Southern Federal District was revealed. The practical significance of the paper lies in the fact that its main results, statements and conclusions can be used in the development of a strategy for the development of a physical culture and sports complex, and in making investment decisions. The data obtained in the paper will be used by scientists - economists, scientific and pedagogical workers for expanding and deepening their understanding of the subject area. The methodological basis of the paper can serve as an example in the formation of research competencies of students, undergraduates and graduate students.


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Author Biographies

Oleg Zilberstein, The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics, senior researcher, Moscow

PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational

Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics,

senior researcher, Moscow

Vladimir Kotov, PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics, senior researcher, Moscow

PhD in Economic sciences, Associate Professor, The Federal State Budget-Funded Educational

Institution of Higher Education «The Russian State University of Justice», Department of Economics,

senior researcher, Moscow

Tatiana Shklyar, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor of Advertising, public relations and design,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Svetlana Avtonomova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Candidate of Sociology sciences, associate Professor of Advertising, public relations and design,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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How to Cite

Zilberstein, O., Kotov, V., Shklyar, T., & Avtonomova, S. (2018). Analysis of the main economic indicators dynamics for the activities in the field of physical fitness and sports in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in 2005-2017. Amazonia Investiga, 7(17), 676–685. Retrieved from


