Thematic analysis of creative tourism: Conceptual model design


  • Mehrnoosh Bastenegar University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.
  • Ali Hassani University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.
  • Morteza Khakzar Bafruei Department of Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Iran.


Creative tourism, creative landscape, creative tourism ecosystem, creative industries, creative class


The fundamental changes in tourism supply and demand, as well as the creation of experiences and the paradigms of the economy based on the knowledge of macroeconomic development, have led tourism to creativity, which is why experts believe that the sustainability of tourism depends of creative tourism. Using the exploratory-fundamental research method and the thematic analysis of the Maxqda software, this research explained the concept and the different dimensions of creative tourism in a new model, and received the consensus of the experts on the opinion of the model using the Delphi technique of Two steps. This four-room model, which represents the intersection of ranges based on supply and demand and destination activity, introduces ecosystem concepts of creative tourism, creative landscape, creative industries and creative class (tourist) that can describe various dimensions of the creative tourism. This model not only covers concepts such as creative class, creative city) and creative industries, which have become widespread since 1998, but also uses two new concepts of business ecosystem and creative landscape, and can explain different approaches to creative tourism.


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Author Biographies

Mehrnoosh Bastenegar, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

PhD student in tourism management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

Ali Hassani, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

Assistant Professor, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.

Morteza Khakzar Bafruei, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

Assistant Professor in ACECR Research Institute for Technology Development, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tehran, Iran.


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How to Cite

Bastenegar, M., Hassani, A., & Bafruei, M. K. (2018). Thematic analysis of creative tourism: Conceptual model design. Amazonia Investiga, 7(17), 541–554. Retrieved from


