The strategy Fitzcarraldo, the fragmentation of the Amazonian space and the sterility of the struggle between Brazil and Argentina


  • Eduardo R. Saguier Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri


Amazon space, strategy of Fitzcarraldo, integration, watershed, geographic duality.


This article presents historical, geological and hydraulic analysis of the projects pioneers of pipeline from the expeditions of La Condamine and the Humboldt and the fight between geopolitical theses opposite to the analysis of the integration of the watershed. The purpose is to analyze the geographical dualism, the displacement of the boundary lines, and the consequent fragmentation of the Amazonian space in a continent we disintegrated. As a derivation of that dispute and this fragmentation are studied the various congresses of Latin American professionals who were convened to integrate watershed. This work is a historical documentary research. To study attempts to break geographic duality discussed the Fitzcarraldo strategy and the moving of the Brazilian capital Brasilia, followed by the clash between the options inclusive and the monopolistic. To investigate the pan-Amazon River integration were considered the hydraulic engineering works and were compared with global historical examples. As conclusion arrived at the sterility of the struggle between Brazil and Argentina and the characterization of the inland waterways of Latin America.


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Author Biography

Eduardo R. Saguier, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Ph.D. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri (USA). Museo Roca-CONICET. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Saguier, E. R. (2015). The strategy Fitzcarraldo, the fragmentation of the Amazonian space and the sterility of the struggle between Brazil and Argentina. Amazonia Investiga, 4(7), 50–65. Retrieved from


