Propuesta de mejoramiento curricular para la enseñanza del deporte formativo.


  • Eisenhower Leal Rincón Universidad Surcolombiana.
  • Juan Carlos Poveda Hernández Universidad Surcolombiana.


Sport training, proposed curriculum, students, comprehensive training, deportes de aventura.


This study focuses on the formulation of a proposed curriculum on sport training with the aim of contributing to strengthen the proposal for curricular improvement of formation of the Bachelor's degree program in physical education, of the Surcolombiana University. Intends to incorporate de new sports trends de alternative order and Sport adventure. The intention is to contribute to improve physical activity practices, from the perception of the actors in the academic process, to generate a work of scholarly nature through the measurement and monitoring of components of physical condition. In addition, contribute in creating de culture de sport as a permanent habit that contributes to improving health del student and, therefore, to optimize the quality life del career graduate de the Surcolombiana University of Neiva.
From a quantitative perspective, the survey was to investigate the student about the importance of sport training in relation to the need and interest of creating healthy lifestyle habits. It also asked teachers of this discipline to promote spaces of greater stringency in the scientific character of sports, such as the inclusion of an evaluation that presents educational connotations within the pedagogical role that university training sport. Finally, we propose three levels of sport training in order to increase the range of motor, training possibilities, free choice and elective character that lead to University student towards raising awareness of the importance of generating life habits.


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Author Biographies

Eisenhower Leal Rincón, Universidad Surcolombiana.

Universidad Surcolombiana.

Juan Carlos Poveda Hernández, Universidad Surcolombiana.

Universidad Surcolombiana.


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How to Cite

Leal Rincón, E., & Poveda Hernández, J. C. (2014). Propuesta de mejoramiento curricular para la enseñanza del deporte formativo. Amazonia Investiga, 3(4), 69–85. Retrieved from


