Sociolinguistic aspect of teaching turkish languages as a second language


  • Liliya A. Nurova Kazan Federal University
  • Firaz F. Kharisov Kazan Federal University
  • Chulpan M. Kharisova Kazan Federal University
  • Liliya M. Giniyatullina Kazan Federal University


Teaching, Tatar language, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, state language.


The article is devoted to the problem of teaching one of the Turkish languages – Tatar language as a non-native language in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the sociolinguistic aspect, as an effective means of teaching.
In the educational organizations of Tatarstan, after the adoption of the "Law about peoples languages of the Republic of Tatarstan", multilingualism successfully functions. Students study Tatar, Russian and one foreign language. In addition, national schools are required to learn their native language (for example, Chuvash, Udmurt, Bashkir, Mari etc.).
Conducting balanced language policy in the field of education serves mutual understanding, respect for the spiritual values of peoples, the development of their language and culture. The state status of the Tatar and Russian languages should be ensured by their parity use in all government bodies, enterprises and organizations, in the media, in the spheres of science, culture, service etc.
Since Tatar and Russian languages are state-owned in the republic, national-Russian and Russian-national parity bilingualism is the basis for the harmonization of interpersonal relations in a multinational state. In addition, Tatar language knowledge provides an opportunity to communicate with many representatives of the Turkish-speaking countries. 

The results presented in the article will help to solve the problems of creating comfortable conditions to master communicative, linguistic and ethnocultural competencies, and effective methods for solving learning issues and other Turkic languages.


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Author Biographies

Liliya A. Nurova, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Russia

Firaz F. Kharisov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Russia

Chulpan M. Kharisova, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Russia

Liliya M. Giniyatullina, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Russia


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How to Cite

Nurova, L. A., Kharisov, F. F., Kharisova, C. M., & Giniyatullina, L. M. (2018). Sociolinguistic aspect of teaching turkish languages as a second language. Amazonia Investiga, 7(13), 174–179. Retrieved from


