State support improvement for ecological land-use in terms of transition to rural territory sustainable development


  • A. V. Turyansky Belgorod Agricultural University
  • I. N. Merenkov Department of AIS and Rural Territory Management
  • A. I. Dobrunova Belgorod Agrarian University
  • A. N. Prostenko Belgorod Agrarian University
  • L. V. Oliva Belgorod Agrarian University


Ecologization, ecological land use, state support of ecological land use, sustainable development of rural areas, biological farming.


The problems of rational land use, the restoration of land resources, the provision of population with safe food and favorable living conditions for the rural population are especially urgent in modern society. At that, there is a need to change the technogenic development of agricultural production into so-called "sustainable" development. The state support for ecological land use in Belgorod region includes such activities as soil fertility support through meliorative afforestation, the liming of acidic soils, the agricultural biology development, as well as the introduction of biotechnologies. However, in terms of intensive land use, it is necessary to strengthen the financial support of domestic agricultural producers who use land resources rationally. In order to use budgetary funds more efficiently, it is necessary to expand the range and improve the mechanism of state support provision for the restoration of land resources in the following areas: the subsidies for the seeds of perennial grasses, green-manure crops and honey plants; the subsidies for the reimbursement of organic fertilizer transportation costs; the subsidies for organic matter content increase.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Turyansky, Belgorod Agricultural University

Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and AIS Economics, Doctor of Economics at FSBEI HE "Belgorod Agricultural University named after V.Ya. Gorin"

I. N. Merenkov, Department of AIS and Rural Territory Management

Department of AIS and Rural Territory Management. Doctor of Economics, FSBSU NIIEOAPK TSCHR of Russia

A. I. Dobrunova, Belgorod Agrarian University

Associate Professor of Organization and Management Department, Cand. of Sociol. Sciences at FSBEI HE "Belgorod Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin"

A. N. Prostenko, Belgorod Agrarian University

Senior Lecturer of Accounting, Analysis and Finance Department, Cand. of Economics at FSBEI HE "Belgorod Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin"

L. V. Oliva, Belgorod Agrarian University

Assistant of Organization and Management Department at FSBEI HE "Belgorod Agrarian University named after V.Ya. Gorin"


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How to Cite

Turyansky, A. V., Merenkov, I. N., Dobrunova, A. I., Prostenko, A. N., & Oliva, L. V. (2018). State support improvement for ecological land-use in terms of transition to rural territory sustainable development. Amazonia Investiga, 7(15), 13–19. Retrieved from


