The protection of property rights in criminal and civil proceedings: ECtHR practice




principle, ECtHR, protection, property right, convention.


The article is relevant in modern conditions since the protection of property rights is one of the main prerequisites for the functioning of the market economy and ensuring the country's economic development. In this regard, it is important to study the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on the violation of property rights in criminal and civil proceedings, as this can help to improve the legal practice of domestic courts and ensure more effective protection of property rights. The study of the practice of the ECtHR on this topic is an important step for improving the country's legal system and ensuring proper protection of property rights, which is important for the development of society as a whole. The purpose of the research is to study the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding the violation of the right to property in criminal and civil proceedings, as well as the analysis of this practice in order to determine the standards used by the ECtHR when considering cases related to the right to property. The methodological basis of the work consists of general scientific and special methods: the method of analyzing scientific literature, comparative analysis, empirical research methods, system analysis, and legal expertise. The result of the work is research and analysis of the practice of property rights protection in criminal and civil proceedings in accordance with international standards, which will allow to propose possible solutions for improving national practice and legislation in this area.


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Author Biographies

Mykola Stoianov, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Detective and Operational Investigation of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ihor Fedorov, Faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation bodies, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of criminology and psychology of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation bodies, Ukraine.

Iryna Volosko, Halytsky District Court of Lviv, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Chairman of the Halytsky District Court of Lviv, Ukraine.

Lyudmila Gurtieva, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Detective and Operational Investigation of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Andriy Pavlyshyn, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Stoianov, M., Fedorov, I., Volosko, I., Gurtieva, L., & Pavlyshyn, A. (2023). The protection of property rights in criminal and civil proceedings: ECtHR practice. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 83–93.


