Socio-political discourses on war-related damage to ukrainian citizens: Analysis of public policy in the context of court cases




citizens, court decision, damage, General Assembly, protection of reparations, war.


The purpose of this study is to identify mechanisms based on effective political decisions that will fully impose material damage caused by military actions on the aggressor country. The methodological basis of the work was formed by general theoretical and special scientific methods, which ensured the formation of reliable conclusions and the solution of the tasks. In the course of this study, the author identified the main procedural problems faced by citizens in the process of ensuring the right to compensation for damage caused to them as a result of hostilities. The analysis of the Supreme Court's case law shows that after the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the courts began to take a radically different approach to resolving the issue of compensation in favor of citizens, and in fact deny the immunity of the aggressor state. Authors identify the main political decisions that will be useful in the future for the actual resolution of the issue of compensation for damages. The author analyzes certain legal acts that define the mechanism of compensation for damage. The author assesses the international achievements of Ukraine that will further simplify the procedure for compensation for damages, in particular, international legal acts. In general, the study assessed the real state of affairs in Ukraine regarding compensation for damage to citizens as a result of armed aggression and concluded that effective mechanisms for such compensation have not yet been implemented.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Khmyz, Lviv University of Business and Law, Ukraine.

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Disciplines, Lviv University of Business and Law, Ukraine.

Rostyslav Sopilnyk, “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

DrSc in Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Disciplines, Institution of higher education “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

Vitaliy Hudyma, “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Judiciary, Prosecutor’s Office and Advocacy, Institution of higher education “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

Yurii Semchuk, “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

PhD in Law, Head of the Department of Economic and Legal Disciplines, Institution of higher education “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

Liubomyr Sopilnyk, “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.

Graduate student of the Department of Judiciary, Prosecutor’s Office and Advocacy, Institution of higher education “Lviv university of business and law”, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Khmyz, M., Sopilnyk, R., Hudyma, V., Semchuk, Y., & Sopilnyk, L. (2023). Socio-political discourses on war-related damage to ukrainian citizens: Analysis of public policy in the context of court cases. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 319–329.


