Implementing SexEd programs for persons with disabilities: A Survey of Teachers' Views




SexEd programs. persons with IDs. Teacher's age. Years of experience.


The aim was to investigate teachers' views regarding implementing SexEd programs for persons with IDs. Teachers' views regarding implementing SexEd programs for persons with IDs was studied. Teachers must be teaching in special education, both sexes (males and females). Participants were 180 teachers (females, n= 30, 16.6%, and males 150, 83.4%).  No differences were found between the two sexes in their responses towards implementing SexEd programs for persons with IDs. Teacher's age had significant effect on respondents' responses towards implementing SexEd programs for persons with IDs. Old teachers had positive responses towards implementing SexEd programs for persons with IDs.      


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Author Biographies

Ali Abdelnabbi Mohamed Hanafy, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia  (Benha University - Egypt)

Professor of special education, Faculty of Education, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia  (Benha University - Egypt)

Hala Ahmed Suleiman Hassanein, Imam Muhammad bin Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Associate professor - Special Education Department, Faculty of Education, Imam Muhammad bin Saud University, Saudi Arabia.


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How to Cite

Hanafy, A. . A. . M., & Hassanein, H. A. S. (2022). Implementing SexEd programs for persons with disabilities: A Survey of Teachers’ Views. Amazonia Investiga, 11(50), 299–304.


