Role of social media in academic achievement among Northern Border University sudents




Social media, academic achievement, Northern Border University, social media and education, Technology Uses in Education.


The study aimed to measure the impact of social media on academic achievement among a sample of Northern Border University students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study seeks to reach a cognitive perception to recognize the effect of using social media on academic achievement in university students. It relied upon the quantitative and qualitative distribution of each type of social media application among students to determine the importance of social media informing study groups amongst themselves and with faculty members. This helped to identify the negative and positive effects of using social media applications on the process of academic achievement among Northern Border University students. To achieve those objectives, the researchers used the descriptive survey methodology, with the questionnaire used as a study tool. The most prominent results showed that a wide range of students at the University is highly interested in using social media in academic achievement and in communicating with the Faculty members. The study also concluded with a proposal to increase the activation of social media as an important tool for increasing the rate of academic achievement among Northern Border University students.


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Author Biographies

Yaser Mohammad Al Sawy, Northern Border University - Saudi Arabia.

Associate Professor of Library and Information Science - College of Education and Arts – General Curriculum Dept.- Northern Border University - Saudi Arabia.

Feras Mohammed Al-Madani, Northern Border University - Saudi Arabia.

Associate Professor of Education - Faculty of Education and Arts- Northern Border University - Saudi Arabia.


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How to Cite

Al Sawy, Y. M., & Al-Madani, F. M. (2021). Role of social media in academic achievement among Northern Border University sudents. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 20–32.


