Historical memory of the educational process in the District of El Plateado - Municipality of Algeria Cauca


  • Denis Antonio Arboleda Suarez Institución Educativa Villa de Los Andes, La Plata Huila - Colombia.




Rural Education, Local History, Systematization of experiences, Food Sovereignty.


This article arises as a result of an systematization exercise of a rural educational experience in the Department of Cauca - Colombia, specifically in the Corregimiento of El Plateado, Municipality of Algeria Cauca, work that proposed within its objectives, to reconstruct the collective memory of the educational process from the Miguel Zapata Technical Educational Institution, thereby seeking to provide historical elements of interest that enable the identification of the most important milestones within local educational history and, in turn, allow us to think of strategies that help strengthen pedagogical processes in a scenario crossed by an illicit economy. The article is part of qualitative research strategies in the framework of the systematization of educational experiences, using participatory action research techniques for the reconstruction of the most important events in education in El Plateado. As relevant results, the history of the Miguel Zapata Technical Educational Institution is highlighted as the narrative of the organized work of the community, the effort and demands made by students, parents and teachers before government agencies, the support of international and national organizations , but above all, the dream of a group that sees in the institution an opportunity and possibility of carrying out transformations in cultural matters that allow thinking and dreaming about the idea of ??a Silverside, in which young people are the main actors of change.


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Author Biography

Denis Antonio Arboleda Suarez, Institución Educativa Villa de Los Andes, La Plata Huila - Colombia.

Magíster en Desarrollo Comunitario Sustentable, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Especialista en Pedagogía y Docencia, Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina. Ingeniero Agropecuario, Universidad del Cauca. Docente Institución Educativa Villa de Los Andes, La Plata Huila - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Arboleda Suarez, D. A. (2020). Historical memory of the educational process in the District of El Plateado - Municipality of Algeria Cauca. Amazonia Investiga, 9(30), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.30.06.4


