Genesis of methodological approaches to definition and organization of university information and education space




information and education space, concepts and approaches to the development of information and education space, social networks, educational networks, networking.


The paper presents the analysis of methodological approaches to the origin, formation and development of the ‘information and education space’ concept, and also notes the relevance of its application in contemporary society. The genesis of methodological approaches to the definition of an information and education space concept is based on a theoretical analysis and generalization of the philosophical, historical, pedagogical, sociological and cultural sciences, which made it possible to specify its essential content. It is indicated that the use of media resources, sites, instant messaging services acts as an organizational and pedagogical toolkit, which provides means for optimizing time management, managing on-line and off-line interactions as part of the learning process in present-day universities and colleges. The main purpose of this article is a brief analysis of a system-holistic, mental-emotional, personality-developing, socio-geographical, distance, and local-poster approaches to the essence of information and education space determination; and also the definition of this pedagogical phenomenon. The study has used various methods described in this paper: a hindsight analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of state-of-the-art IT solutions; theoretical methods; established pedagogical methods; empirical methods, an educational experiment; programmed learning techniques; interactive methods; forecasting methods; intuitive methods; methods of statistical data processing; methods for the study and generalization of contemporary pedagogical experience in the development of a personal information literacy in education. The result of the introduction of the methodological approaches described by the authors of this article to the organization of the educational information environment of the university was a positive dynamic in the development of information needs, reflection and self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities in the Internet environment, as well as assessing the ability of self-education and self-development among students of various profiles and areas of preparation.


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Author Biographies

Olga Donina, Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.

Natalya Ivanushkina, Samara National Research University, Russian Federation.

Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, docent, head of the Department of Pedagogy of Samara National Research University, Russian Federation.

Irina Aryabkina, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation.

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, professor of Chuvash state Institute of culture and arts, Russian Federation.

Anatoliy Chernykh, Kuban State Technological University, Russian Federation.

The doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Kuban State Technological University, Russian Federation.

Anastasia Gemranova, Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.

Ulyanovsk State University, Russian Federation.

Yulia Chernova, Ulyanovsk State Agricultural University, Russian Federation.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of the Department of mathematics and physics of the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural University named after P.A. Stolypin, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Donina, O., Ivanushkina, N., Aryabkina, I., Chernykh, A., Gemranova, A., & Chernova, Y. (2020). Genesis of methodological approaches to definition and organization of university information and education space. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 417–426.


