Value-Based Indifference of Media Technologies


  • Viktor Sidorov St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Digital reality, journalism, media, media technologies, social networks, values


The relevance of the present study is predetermined by the widespread political propaganda of new technologies in the digital environment. Analysis of the consequences of their application in journalism is an urgent task for humanities and social practice. Therefore, the article aims, firstly, to reveal the facts of inadequate display of social reality in the media space, secondly, to consider the problems of compliance of the social object and its reflection in the digital environment, and thirdly, to understand the media technologies in terms of their value context. Methods. The essence of the topical issue predetermined the reliance on the methodology of value-based analysis of journalism that allowed considering the impact of media technologies on the humanistic essence of human communication. The research object is the student community as a social and political media audience. In this context, an international research project was prepared and implemented. In the framework of this project, students from Poland, Russia, and Serbia were interviewed. In total, more than 2,000 questionnaires were processed. Results. The article substantiates the following provisions: media technology is the rationalization of the transfer of socially significant texts from the communicator to the mass audience; in terms of value, the effectiveness of technology is ambivalent; the modern media environment is characterized by the dissemination of fakes, and post-truths; media facts and media events have become derivatives of pseudo-social media practice; functional relationship, historically developed in world culture between the object and its reflection in artistic and journalistic creativity, is broken; practice is replaced by media shadow. Conclusion. Materials presented in the article are of practical value for political functionaries and technologists, theorists of journalism, and mass media executives.


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Author Biography

Viktor Sidorov, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite

Sidorov, V. (2019). Value-Based Indifference of Media Technologies. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 568–575. Retrieved from


