Monitoring of attitudes to the institute of corruption whistle-blowers: a view from Ukraine




whistle-blower; corruption; counteraction; protection of whistle-blowers; attitude to the whistle-blowers.


The research is devoted to the study of the attitude of law enforcement officials, civil servants and ordinary citizens to the institute of corruption whistle-blowers on the example of Ukraine.

To this end, 351 people were interviewed. Generalized results indicate that the vast majority (75%) of Ukrainian citizens are aware of the institute of corruption whistle-blowers.

Ukrainian society has a positive attitude to the corruption whistle-blowers, (51,6%) of those who were interviewed believe that the whistle-blowers fulfil an important mission. The willingness of Ukrainians to participate in exposure of corruption is lower (39,3%) than the number of people who approve activities of the whistle-blowers. It also avouches that not all conditions, including the social and legal protection of whistle-blowers, have been created in Ukraine. There is a high risk of persecution, including from public authorities, according to (89,4%) respondents. The existing system of protection of whistle-blowers is declarative (68%), and there are no positive examples of whistle-blower activity in Ukraine (29,3%).

There are differences in the attitude of different categories of citizens to the whistle-blowers of corruption. The most support (63,3%) whistle-blowers received from representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine, border guards (59,4%), police officers (50%), ordinary citizens (50,6%). Civil servants less approve the institute of corruption whistle-blowers and support (45,9%). The lowest rate (40%) was shown by the representatives of the law enforcement agencies. Average citizens and civil servants (14,7%) showed the highest percentage of distrust in the work of whistle-blowers (15,7%).


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Author Biographies

Serhii Khalymon, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service, Ukraine

Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, Professor of Intelligence Management Department of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine).

Vitalii Serediuk, King Danylo University.

Candidate of Juridical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process of the King Danylo University.

Volodymyr Martynenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Law, instructor of the Criminal law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Khalymon, S., Serediuk, V., & Martynenko, V. (2020). Monitoring of attitudes to the institute of corruption whistle-blowers: a view from Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 384–394.


