Authentication of Composites in Different Structural Languages


  • Marzhan U. Suleybanova Russian Language Department, Chechen State University
  • Mаrifa M. Sultygova Department of Teaching and elementary education methods of the Ingush State University.
  • Zulfira H. Kieva Department of Teaching and elementary teaching methods of the Ingush State University; Ingush Language Department of the Ingush Scientific and Research Institute for Human Sciences named after Ch.E. Akhriev.
  • Lyudmila M. Dudarova Russian language department of the Ingush State University.
  • Marziyat M. Bidanok Adygeya Republican Institute of humanitarian studies named after T. M. Kerashev.



Compound words, free syntactic combinations, the problem of delimitation, phraseological units.


At first glance, the problem of distinguishing complex words from similar free syntactic combinations does not exist.

But compound words are a reflection of "the diversity of linguistic activity." Therefore, one or more features sometimes is not enough to establish the identity of a compound word. And sometimes this is simply impossible, as some units correspond to all signs, while others do not.

There are other units in the language, consisting of two or more words and outwardly similar to complex words. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish complex words from outwardly similar syntactic combinations and phraseological units.

It is natural that you need to draw a line between complex words and free combinations, because if we take all units of two or more words that designate one concept (with varying degrees of semantic integrity) as complex, we will make a huge confusion in definition of complex words and phrases.


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Author Biographies

Marzhan U. Suleybanova, Russian Language Department, Chechen State University

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department, Chechen State University

Mаrifa M. Sultygova, Department of Teaching and elementary education methods of the Ingush State University.

Doctor of philological sciences, professor, head of the Department of Teaching and elementary education methods of the Ingush State University.

Zulfira H. Kieva, Department of Teaching and elementary teaching methods of the Ingush State University; Ingush Language Department of the Ingush Scientific and Research Institute for Human Sciences named after Ch.E. Akhriev.

Doctor of philological sciences, associate professor of the Department of Teaching and elementary teaching methods of the Ingush State University; Head of the Ingush Language Department of the Ingush Scientific and Research Institute for Human Sciences named after Ch.E. Akhriev.

Lyudmila M. Dudarova, Russian language department of the Ingush State University.

Candidate of philological sciences, professor, head of the Russian language department of the Ingush State University.

Marziyat M. Bidanok, Adygeya Republican Institute of humanitarian studies named after T. M. Kerashev.

Doctor of Philology, Deputy Director for Science Adygeya Republican Institute of humanitarian studies named after T. M. Kerashev.


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How to Cite

Suleybanova, M. U., Sultygova, M. M., Kieva, Z. H., Dudarova, L. M., & Bidanok, M. M. (2020). Authentication of Composites in Different Structural Languages. Amazonia Investiga, 9(26), 399–408.


