Improving the Procedure of Monitoring the Higher Education Quality in Ukraine




Monitoring, education quality, administrative procedure, legal framework, higher education.


The purpose of the article is to study the monitoring of higher education quality in Ukraine and to develop certain directions for improving its procedure. The authors have used the following scientific methods: dialectical, logical-legal, structural-functional, formal-logical modeling, analysis and synthesis. Based on research results, the main directions for improvement of monitoring procedure of higher education quality are outlined. The concept and features of monitoring as an administrative procedure in the field of higher education are defined. The general principles, main tasks and functions of monitoring the higher education quality are highlighted. The selected provisions of legal regulatory acts which declare the need to promote an adequate level of higher education quality, its monitoring and evaluation are presented. It is asserted that nowadays there is actually no system of monitoring higher education quality in Ukraine. Regarding the analysis of current legislation provisions of Ukraine in the field of higher education, as well as accepted scientific approaches to determining the implementation structure of monitoring procedure of higher education quality, three of its general phases are distinguished. These phases are as follows. I. Preparatory phase, which involves the implementation of a series of appropriate actions, combined into the following main stages: initiating the monitoring procedure; monitoring planning; development of monitoring technology. II. Practical phase, which includes the following main stages: preparation of selected research participants; conducting research. III. Analytical phase, consisting of the following stages: information processing; recommendations development; adjustment and control; research results publishing. It is indicated that each of these phases is a relatively independent and complete part of the procedure, which in turn consists of certain stages, each of which fulfills the corresponding intermediate purposes directed at solving the tasks of this administrative procedure phase.


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Author Biographies

Viacheslav Vasiliievich Abroskin, Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

PhD in Law, Rector of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs

Olga Ivanivna Demenko, Department of Pedagogy and Foreign Philology of Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Foreign Philology of Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

Olena Mykolayivna Mykolenko, Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Doctor of Jurisprudence, Assistant professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Yurij Mykolaiovych Frolov, Department of Jurisprudence of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Professor of Department of Jurisprudence of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University


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How to Cite

Abroskin, V. V., Demenko, O. I., Mykolenko, O. M., & Frolov, Y. M. (2020). Improving the Procedure of Monitoring the Higher Education Quality in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 9(26), 311–318.


