Evaluation of fishing industry clusterization in the russian far east within the context of integration with Asian-Pacific markets





Cluster Policy, Integration into Markets of Asian-Pacific Region; Territorial Organization; Industrial Complex; Fishing Industry Cluster; Fish-Breeding; Fishing; Regional Development Management.


The study’s aim is to assess the potential and processes of formation of sectoral clusters in the Far Eastern regions fishing industry.

The paper suggests the strategy for forming the fishing industry clusters in the Russian Far East, analyzes trends, taking place in the fishing industry, from the perspective of its clusterization, interprets locatization and density ratios of capture fisheries and fish-farming businesses in the Far Eastern territories.

The research first describes methods used to evaluate localization and geographical density of fishing-industry companies in the Far Eastern regions, and offers methodological recommendations for investigating fishing industry clusters. The second stage outlines trends of the industry such as increasing harvest level, changing proportion of capture fisheries and fish breeding, growing export, emerging exporting clusters, forming fishing industry associations. The third stage analyzes density ratios and specialization of fishing and fish-farming businesses by regions, compares the calculated ratios’ values to other Russian regions’ ones. On the basis of integral ratio we estimate the potential for clusterization of the fishing industry in Russian regions as well as on the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The research comes to conclusion that a set of state support measures and effective investment projects, concerned with the fishing industry cluster, can produce an additional synergetic effect for the whole gross regional product.


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Author Biographies

Maxim Alexandrovich Saltykov, Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, Department of Economic Theory and World Economy, Vladivostok branch of Russian Customs academy, Russia.

andidate of Sciences in Economics, Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, Associate professor at the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy, Vladivostok branch of Russian Customs academy, Russia.

Victor Victorovich Stetsyuk, Vladivostok branch of Russian Customs academy, Russia.

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Vladivostok branch of Russian Customs academy, Russia.

Oleg Vladimirovich Pravikov, Nakhodka Branch of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Russia

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Nakhodka Branch of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Russia


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How to Cite

Saltykov, M. A., Stetsyuk, V. V., & Pravikov, O. V. (2020). Evaluation of fishing industry clusterization in the russian far east within the context of integration with Asian-Pacific markets. Amazonia Investiga, 9(27), 518–535. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.27.03.56


