Published 2019-09-26
- Cultural landscape, quantitative assessment, aesthetic potential, preservation.
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The goal is to substantiate the change in the social significance of the cultural landscape in the development of new aspects of human activity (the development of the tourism cluster), leading to the formation of a new kind of aesthetic potential of the cultural landscape. Materials and methods. The objects of study were artificial waterways (canals and dams) of the islands of the Solovki archipelago in northern Russia, Longji rice terraces in China and lupine fields in the floodplains of New Zealand rivers. For a quantitative assessment of the aesthetic properties of landscapes, a scale of assessments of the landscape-aesthetic value of cultural landscapes was used.
Discussion. The aesthetic functions of the landscape, the integrative connections between the aesthetic potential of the landscape and a comfortable favorable habitat, the role of the historical and cultural landscape in preserving the historical memory of society are considered. The quantitative and qualitative assessments of the aesthetic functions of landscapes are proposed, allowing to argue the organization of the economic system of their preservation, maintenance and restoration. It is shown that the preservation and development of the aesthetic potential of cultural landscapes can lead to a change in their development, a change in the method of nature management and the formation of a completely new type of aesthetic perception of the landscape.
Conclusion. Currently, the aesthetic component of cultural landscapes has become a more significant factor than the economic functions for which they were created.
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